Unlock Your Potential With Crossroads International

Join Us at the Crossroads of Adventure and Team Success!

What We Do

At Crossroads, we believe that life’s richest experiences come from the journeys we embark upon, especially those that push us beyond the familiar.

Founded on the principle that every individual has boundless potential waiting to be unlocked; Crossroads stands as a hub for those eager to explore not just the world around them, but their place within it.

Our Achievements in Numbers

We’re committed to making a positive impact both within our field and our community.
Our initiatives demonstrate our dedication to supporting local causes, volunteering our time and resources, and fostering a strong sense of social responsibility.

Years of experience


Training Hours




Our Services

At Crossroads, we offer a range of services tailored to inspire and empower individuals and teams of all ages to reach their full potential.

Team Building Activities & Training

Our team building activities are hands-on and can be customized to fit each company’s specific needs & objectives.

School Activities & Camps

Designed for students, youth, and kids of all ages—from elementary to senior school, through college.


Our CAS trips empower schools to offer real community experiences to students, fostering empathy, leadership, and a sense of global citizenship.

University Campus Tours

Take a glimpse into the future with our customized trips to university campuses around the world.

Keep in Touch

We understand that sometimes you need a quick answer or assistance.
Let us know how we can help, and we’ll do our best to provide a solution.

Contact Information

(+20) 01070698107
Riverbend St. Edmonton, AB, CA.